Re: Switched to new copier/plotter-how to change page setups across multiple drawings
Re: Assigning ortho toggle to F6 key
The Keyboard tab of the Customize dialog allows you to assign meanings to function keys and some other keys and key combinations. Just take what's in the Title and Command fields of the F8 shortcut a…1 -
Re: Finding Drawing scale in Paperspace
It's true that the default template file for Imperial units doesn't include 1" = 100' in its scale list, but you can add it via the ScaleListEdit command. Then it'll appear in the "Standard…1 -
Re: unwanted purple entity snap targets
That looks like color 171, which is the default value of the AUTOTRACKINGVECCOLOR system variable. It controls the color of the polar/snap tracking vector. You can turn it off in the Status Bar or in…1 -
Re: Layout tab Default Paper Size
Perhaps you should try opening a new file using Default-imperial.dwt, and within that new file have your add-on software "send a drawing to a layout," and see whether it creates it on "…1